Parents: Creator and Architect

746 Words2 Pages

Everyone agrees that family is not what it used to be, and that is quite right. Ever-changing family dynamics and structure has made it extremely difficult to define a family. Due to modern shifts in mores and the overall attitude toward relationships and commitment, the ideal of the extended family has become extinct. Now, same-sex marriage, live-in relationship, domestic partnership, adoption, single parent, and cohabitation are becoming commonplace: the traditional nuclear family of husband, wife, and children is no longer the norm. Although the concept of the traditional family has been redefined, family is still the most vital core that shapes the identity of a person.
Every human being is created by a mother and a father, thus, everyone receives a unique genetic identity from one’s parents. After birth, parents provide a valuable social identification to their child, a particular name. Birth and name determine the first identity status of a person. Thereafter, throughout life, parental guidance is vital to develop and maintain that integrity of identification and sense of self.
Parents are the first examples children have in life, and they imitate them. During infancy, they spend so much time with their parents; the influence of parents is substantial. They learn about being cared for and how to give and receive love. Later, as toddlers, they are guided and socialized by their parents; they are almost an extension of their parents. Consciously or unintentionally, toddlers adopt many of their parents’ attributes. If parental traits include respect, responsibility, honesty, loyalty, forgiveness, and generosity, children usually learn this vast array of social skills. Moreover, it is in the family unit where children learn va...

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...erent race or nationality may grow up to be a very dangerous racist.
In short, as parents play different roles at different stages in a person’s life, parents are the single most important influence on a person’s physical, psychological and social well-being. Parents are influential simply because of their overwhelming presence and their role in personality development. An idol, friend, teacher, supporter, guardian, mentor, and counselor, parents are the perfect role models that shape the current and future life of an individual.

Works Cited

Meinke, Peter. "Advice to My Son." Reading Literature and Writing Argument. Ed.
Missy James and Alan Merickel. 5th ed. Boston: Pearson, 2013. 439. Print.
Schalet, Amy. "The sleepover Question." Reading Literature and Writing
Argument. Ed. Missy James and Alan Merickel. 5th ed. Boston: Pearson, 2013. 483-84. Print.

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