Overview of Globalization

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Globalization is the tendency of investment funds and businesses to move beyond domestic and national markets to other markets around the globe, thereby increasing the interconnectedness of different markets.(“Globalization,”) It also has had the effect of not only increasing the international trade but the cultural exchange.
However, when it comes to globalization both its advantages and disadvantages have been greatly scrutinized and heavily debated in the past few years. People who believe in globalization say that it helps the developing nations “catch up” to the much faster industrialized nations. This happens through increased employment and a great amount of technical advances. Though, critics of globalization say that it weakens national sovereignty and allows rich nations to ship domestic jobs overseas where labor is much cheaper.(“Globalization,”)
Global changes have fundamentally altered the national interest of the United States.(Callahan, 2004) When you looks back to the past two centuries, the international interdependencies have increased. All in number number and kind and grown in an increased amount within the impact. First, when it comes down to it, the United States has started a new agenda of world politics with the emphasis of global issues with shared problems. With the issues being of global decent, every solution requires across-the-board international collaboration. This is because no nation on its own can solve these problems effectively. Also international institutions have become increasingly competent and important when it comes to solving problems effectively. The new agenda has greatly gained importance leaving the traditional agenda about military power and security with dwindling importance....

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...on. However, I do feel as if global markets increase interconnectedness of different markets. It would allow the U.S. to expand the international trade and the cultural exchange.
Globalization . (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.investopedia.com/terms/g/globalization.asp
Callahan, P. (2004). Logics of American Foreign Policy:Theories of America's World Role. Pearson Longman.
Hubertus, H. (2006, June 18). The Globalization of Foreign Policy. Retrieved from http://www.worldsecuritynetwork.com/Other/hubertus-hoffmann/The-Globalization-of-Foreign-Policy
Lindsay, J., & Greenburg, M. (2003). The Globalization of Politics: American Foreign Policy for a New Century. Retrieved from http://www.cfr.org/world/globalization-politics-american-foreign-policy-new-century/p6330
Interdependence . (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.thefreedictionary.com/interdependence

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