Themes Of Industrialization In Kafka's 'Metamorphosis'

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The overriding presentation in the novella Metamorphosis, Kafka- 1915, of industrialisation is shown clearly through the themes of alienation, dehumanisation and entrapment all of which highlight the effects on the people increasing industry was having at this time in Europe. Changing technology and industry meant a changing society as well which many feel is what Kafka is focusing on during this novella as well as tension from an impending war. Dehumanisation is most prevalent in the central metaphor of Gregor being transformed into an insect. The interiority of Gregor still being human on the inside but being an insect on the outside and yet still not really comprehending what is happening to him, implies that he doesn’t feel that much has changed in the way that society views him: ‘What a strenuous career I is that I’ve chosen!...’ The unsaid implies that Gregor believes the reason why he has woken up as an insect is just because he has been working so hard at work that therefore, due to this pressure, it is a normal occurrence for his body to appear this way and would happen to anyone working as hard …show more content…

The locks show a clear lack of trust in Gregor and therefore Kafka may be trying to suggest that trust has gone from society because industrialisation has caused an increased crime rate and the fear of this unknown has caused people to isolate and entrap

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