Our Screwed Up Punishment System

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Anyone with a TV has heard about large criminal cases in which a man or women has attacked a group of people. We are informed of the victims, the violence, and the amount of deaths. Any channel at a certain point is talking about the crime, it then becomes the only thing people are talking about. Cases such as Casey Anthony, George Zimmerman, James Holmes, and Ariel Castro are cases that have been talked about on the news, talk shows, and late night. In this list not all have a mental illness but because of what they have done society has grouped them together, they are evil people who deserve to rot in hell. People no matter the reason should be punished for what they did. The way we as a society see it is that these monsters should go to jail a place where they can be beaten and treated bad. We as a society have been forced to think that everyone in jail deserves what they get, we over look the fact that some have a mental illness that they can’t control over their actions .Taken all we have learned, this information has let me see what goes on, not only in jail, but in society. In this article it talks about people who have mental illness being treated improperly in jail and the rate of suicides is high do to the fact that people are not able to care for himself and feel that they do not belong there. When looking at videos in class I was able to understand why some people do what, some people hurt others and themselves without their control. The main issue of the article is that people with mental illnesses are being sent to jail for crimes that they may not have control over as they are sent to jail they are treated inappropriate by other inmates and guards that don't know how to handle them. The fact that some inmates ha... ... middle of paper ... ...hear about mash gunmen having shown signs of mental disorders and instead of helping them we send them to jails where they are treated as monsters. We choose not to help before things happen but we also seem to not care about a person when they done something without full control of their senses.We have put a negative connotation on mental disorders, which people have no control over, and made it unsafe for a person to seek help before something extreme happens. This article has made me think of what we are doing to people that fear seeking help because of the things we associate with mental disorders. When people see you as crazy or compare you to killers, they are not going to want to look for help. It also seem that those who do are not helpped. We chose to send them to prison and not treat them to get better but forget about them and label them as monsters.

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