Our Dependence on Modern Technology

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Forgetting to bring certain devices with us when we leave our houses can be frustrating and annoying. Picture this: on the day of your SAT, you walk into your designated testing destination. You are assigned to a seat. You open your bag to get out the utensils you need. Then you realize you are missing the most important thing, your calculator. This can be very frustrating and mad, especially when there are three to four sections of math in your booklet. It is even more frustrating when having to take the math subject SATs, where the whole section is all math. Unfortunately, this situation actually happened to a friend of mine during my junior year of high school. We both signed up to take our SAT on a Saturday morning at the same destination. We got to school quite early that day, so we sat in the auditorium talking and doing last minute studying before the test started. My friend and I were in the same classroom for the test. She was sitting in front of me too. As we got out our utensils we need for the test, she turned around and said she forgot her calculator. The moment after she turned back, I saw her sighing on her desk getting frustrated. She had to go through the entire math section doing math by hand. After the testing was over, I asked, “How was the math part without a calculator?” She replied depressingly, “It was really difficult doing certain math problems without a calculator. I think I did really badly on the math section; I left about half of the math section blank. I really wish I had my calculator with me.”
Without modern technology on our hands in society now, can people complete their tasks? We humans are overly dependent on modern technology uses. If something malfunctions, we feel like the world is over. I...

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...y papers. Furthermore, from my own observation of living near a library, I do not see as much people visiting the library as I seen people did back then when technology was not too popular and too advance.
Even though modern technology provided an ample of convenience in our lives, it carries out more problems such as being too dependent on technology and effecting education to an extent. Being that technology has besieged my life, I have definitely gotten very indolent with the fact that I barely go to libraries and find books for research uses. I simply go on Google and type in the search box the information I need for my convenience. I certainly agree that technology is really a big chunk of everyone’s lives today. Everyone is always on their phones everywhere they go. Technology had come in very handy for everything we do in life and we are too dependent on it.

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