Code Of Conduct Case Study

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I would like to inform you that recent changes have been made to our company’s code of conduct in order to bring it up to date with our current company status. These revisions are being analyzed by our executive group to seek their approval before implementing them permanently into the company. I would like to address the changes that are being made and the cooperation we are going to need from you in return. By implementing these changes, we hope to further develop our ethical organizational culture which will reduce the lawsuits brought against the company as a result. Firstly an addition to “Respect in The Workplace” has been made as this will now be titled “Respect and Promotion in The Workplace”. In addition to respect of …show more content…

There is no excuse for dishonesty and no circumstance that would make it tolerable. Knowingly making false accusations is unacceptable. All employees have the right to make an accusation with the belief that they are correct. Lastly, in addition to “Employee Commitment”, we will be adding “and Compliance with the Code”. We would like to crealy state that all employees need to be promoting the code, complying with the code and reporting any violations of the code. Employees will be asked to sign the code in agreement that they will follow it and asked to sign it on a monthly basis to show loyalty and understanding of workplace expectations. The purpose of these changes is to increase the awareness of expectations from all employees within the company and specify exactly what is and is not accepted. These changes are intended to increase the ethical culture within the workplace and therefore lead to a reduced number of lawsuits against the company. In order to ensure all employees are willing to commit to the code and promote ethical workplace behaviour we ask that you all sign in agreement. Your cooperation is much

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