What Is Iago In Othello

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In 1603, William Shakespeare wrote a tragedy called Othello about a Spanish moor that ultimately fell victim to his own skepticism and emotions and murders his wife due to the machinations of Iago. Iago is the most interesting character in this Shakespearean play and in fact, has more speaking parts than even Othello himself. A man that can even convince his own wife to help with his masterfully manipulated puppetry of Othello, Desdemona, Rodrigo, Cassio, and Emilia is an exquisite character. This villain seems to have no real motive for his actions, but the enjoyment of the trouble he causes and the fact that Othello passed him over for his lieutenant. (Although, Iago seems to quite, passionately want Othello’s affections, whether as a friend …show more content…

Both Othello and Desdemona suffer from the idols of the theatre. Bacon defines the idols of theater as “idols which have immigrated into men’s minds from the various dogma’s and philosophies, and also the wrong laws of demonstration” (Aph 44, Bacon 152). Othello seems to have clear principles that he abides by and when shown that his principles are not allowing him to have the life he thought he would he has a different set of principles that he follows for revenge. “Cassio, my lord! No, sure, I cannot think it, That he would steal away so guilty like, Seeing you coming” (Act 3, Scene 3). This is the point in the play in which Iago has managed to both sympathize with Othello and manipulate him into driving and imaginary wedge between the moor and his new wife to be. Desdemona helps Iago’s machinations along when she implores Othello for Cassio’s sake which only enrages the captain more at the thought of his wife’s supposed infidelity with his ex-lieutenant Cassio. To make matters worse, the handkerchief Emilia stole from Desdemona is what sends Othello into a jealous rage. He tells Iago “Get me some poison, Iago, this night: I 'll not expostulate with her lest her body and beauty, unprovide my mind again. This night, Iago” (Act 4, scene 1). From this point on Iago seems to have full control of all his puppets as he convinces Othello on a different way to kill his new wife. “Do it not with poison. Strangle her in her bed, even the bed she hath contaminated” (Act 4, Scene 1). This quote shows Iago in control and Othello turned into another victim to do his bidding without Iago lifting a finger to hurt Othello or Desdemona. Desdemona has tried to reason with Othello and due to her own set of principles she is strangled to death at the hands of her own

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