Summary Of The Royal Slave By Oronoko

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Oroonoko; The Royal Slave is written by Aphra Behn who was an English author. Her novel was first published in 1688. At its time of publication and still today this day, a lot of controversy surrounds Behn’s novel. It is important because it was one of the first published abolitionist writings by a woman. Behn influenced future writers to talk about subject that would normally be considered taboo. Oroonoko is about an African prince who is truly in love with a beautiful girl by the name of Imoinda. Her own grandfather rapes her and she is eventually sold as a slave. Which results in her ending up Suriname with her new slave name, Clemene. At the time, Suriname is under the colonial of the British. Oroonoko belongs to a tribe that is involved …show more content…

They are then sold as slaves to Teffry who is under British control and Oronooko 's name is changed to Caesar. When Oroonoko arrives in Suriname, he discovers that Imoinda, who is previously pronounced as dead, is still alive and works as a slave in the same plantation that he is stationed. As love stories go, they get together and Oroonoko later finds out that Imoinda is pregnant. Desperate, Oroonoko attempts to free himself and his family from slavery but he is betrayed yet again and suffers tremendously. In a desperate measure, the man decides to kill the love of his life and his unborn child. Imoinda begs Oroonoko to take her life, because they both know that the life of a slave is no life at all. Oroonoko dies as a hero when he attempts to take revenge on the men whom have denied him his freedoms fails, graphically. Aphra Behn created controversy and made critics angry by publishing her novel. She talks on a matter that women should not know about or speak. Critics agree and disagree that is one of the first abolitionist writings by a woman and is against slavery. In this paper I will discuss how Aphra Behn’s novel Oroonoko; The Royal Slave, is racist and is

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