Egyptian Cosmology Essay

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Cosmology is the study of the structure of the universe, and cosmogony is about the origin of the universe. Egyptian cosmology is established on consistent scientific and philosophical principles of the universe as a whole. In viewing the astronomical system of the Egyptians the question as to just what interpretation was placed upon it as regards the actual mechanical structure of the universe cannot be avoided. The entirety of the Egyptian civilizations was built upon an inclusive and specific understanding of universal laws that express the order and intent of the divine. The Sun and the Nile dominated the Egyptian worldview predominantly. The idea of godhood was flexible. Kings and noblemen could become gods. Even the common people could …show more content…

‘In the beginning there was only water, a chaos of churning, bubbling water, this is what the Egyptians called Nu or Nun. It was out of Nu that everything began. As with the Nile, each year the inundation no doubt caused chaos to all creatures living on the land, so this represents Nu. Eventually the floods would recede and out of the chaos of water would emerge a hill of dry land, one at first, then more. On this first dry hilltop, on the first day came the first sunrise.’ This is how the ancient Egyptians explain the beginning of their universe and placement in the cosmos. ‘Out of the hillock the first god emerged. He was referred to as a ‘he’ for the mere sake of expediency, but he embodied both the male and female principles with himself. As a result this enabled him to create new forms all by himself without the help of another deity. By spitting and masturbating he created a pair of new gods. This new pair copulated and created another pair, who in turn created another pair. This continued until the entirety of the cosmos had come into …show more content…

This persona was the fixed, external order of the universe, both in the cosmos and the ancient Egyptian civilizations. It had existed since the creation of the universe, and without it, the universe would lose its cohesion. Since it was believed that Ma’at was in a constant threat from the forces of disorder, every aspect of society should cooperate to coexist and keep these forces in order thus allowing a more cosmic order of all the forces of nature should continue to function in a steady

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