Organizations Must Invest More in Leadership Development

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As stated by Goldstein (1993 p. 181) and Saddler-Smith (2006 p.375), evaluation involves the systematic gathering of judgemental and descriptive data. Such information enables human resource managers in effective decision making processes relating to adoption, selection, modification and value of the diversified instructional activities. Decisions made are fundamental since they support the development of the most fundamental and valuable asset of an organization, the human resource. The asset requires frequent and efficient development processes to enable individuals to function effectively. According to Piazza and Engen (2005, p. 5), strategic and successful HR development programs are vital in preparing individuals to perform higher level tasks. Such programs involve preparing learning plans within a specified period to facilitate performance changes. HR developments focus upon the competences of an organization in the initial stages, training, and development of workers.

Leadership Learning and Development Models

Today’s business world is therefore initiating more aggressive ways of developing the workforce to optimize their capabilities and enhance the efficiency of their businesses. Leadership development and learning has been a fundamental aspect of an organization. Sussman et al (2001, p. 335) stated that learning is a necessary and basic attribute for effective leadership. Full and customized experiences in leadership development contribute greatly in developing an effective team, individual skills, and organizational performance. Developing leadership helps in organizational growth, renewal, and change.

Great leaders do not take chances in developing their natural talents. Such individuals take time in learning ...

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... direction of the business and the working environment for employees. Such individuals are important in regulating and directing the corporate strategy. Besides developing the individual skills and talents, groups also develop to maximize on their capabilities. Various theories and models apply in expounding how leaders develop and how the learning process should take place. Learning is fundamental in ensuring effective successful performance. However, the steps recommended by various theories or models have not been subject to keen following in practice, particularly in the ELT. As stated by ELC (2009, p. 1), organizations need to invest more on the leadership development if the business is to secure competitive advantages. Increased performance will improve the competitiveness of the company, facilitating the ability to survive in today’s very competitive market.

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