Oppression Of Women In The Middle East Essay

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In today’s society, many people dismiss problems in third world countries. The oppression of women in the Middle East has declined in the past few years. The International Society for Human Rights published an advertisement that shows the oppression of women in the Middle East. They believe that the human rights situation is currently getting worse. This advertisement condemns the oppression of women located in Middle Eastern countries. They say that many women experience oppression in the Middle East, but I say that this oppression needs to end completely because this type of religious covering alienates and controls Muslim women in Islamic countries.
This advertisement, created by the International Society for Human Rights, illustrates a …show more content…

Oppression is defined as the unfair treatment of people by a cruel government. The International Society for Human Rights thinks that the current human rights situation is actually getting worse. Examples of this treatment include: murder, domestic violence, deprivation of education, wearing the burqa, and young girls forced into marriage. According to the Islamic religion, women belong to men, and as a result, have no authority over them. Therefore, gender equality does not exist in the Middle East. Life in the Middle East as a woman is very dangerous. In some Middle Eastern countries, women face abuse if they show their hair. These women are forced to conform to the veiling for their safety and their well-being. Many women claim they voluntarily wear these face coverings, but this is just a ploy to prevent themselves harm or rejection from …show more content…

A full body or facial covering is a form of imprisonment as portrayed by the advertisement. Muslim women who live in predominately Islamic countries are being oppressed and campaigns such as The International Society for Human Rights try their hardest to stop this unjust treatment of women. The niqab is not a sign of religion, but a sign of docility. The Islamic faith essentially wants all Muslim women to conform to wearing a full body or facial covering whether they want to or not. Overall, this female oppression is wrong and

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