Social Work Theories, Social Dominance Theory And Social Injuries

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Social Work Understandings In the previous discussions, the oppression of immigrants is analyzed in the periphery through the parallel discussion of classes, conflicts, discrimination using the convergence of conflict theories, social dominance theory, and structural social work approach. Since the study of systemic oppression among immigrants relates tangentially to the discourse of racism or nativism, most of the research relating to discrimination of immigrants utilized concepts and findings on studies based more on racism (an example citation). Perusal and analysis of the same, however, necessitates a more particular discourse of the discrimination experienced by these venerable segments of the population apart from racism or nativism. …show more content…

Just like racism, the root of immigrantism involves a rapacious greed to gain the highest possible profits by the dominant capitalists at the expense of human labor (Alessio, 2011). In contrast to racism which considers a group’s physical unchangeable characteristics as the symbolic representation of their inferiority, which can be psychosocial stability or intellectual capacity (Alessio, 2011), immigrantism recognizes a group’s cultural and economic attribute as an embodiment of weakness. Immigrantism is also different from ethnocentrism as the latter involves uncommonality of social and cultural background, but an immigrant also includes a legal obstacle to belong and remain in his or her host country which most of the time is determined by his or her economic contribution (Alessio, …show more content…

Social services towards newcomers, however, must adopt an institutional approach wherein each immigrant will be supported regardless of the circumstance. This approach views each immigrant as deserving of governmental support even without direct request nor engagement in child protection services (to follow). This preventive measure will be more cost effective as it helps the government save from the high cost of retaining the victims and surveilling the parents (Alessio, 2011). This approach can be implemented through programs that educate all immigrant families of their rights and responsibilities towards their children according to Canadian laws. Importantly, appropriate social services must be provided to immigrant families to assist in assimilating the Canadian culture and improving their economic capabilities. (explain how institutional social work fits structural social work approach – include institutional

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