What Is Online Dating?

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Outside World seems to suggest that online dating not only benefit in meeting partner, but also leads relationship to marriage in higher rate than offline couple. However, Paul Aditi explains that people who meet online may more likely to involve in dating and relationship than traditional meeting, but the breakup rate seems to be higher in online dating than relationship that met through offline. (Paul Aditi, 664)
Society tendency wants us to believe that a set of love formula can guarantees successful relationship. Diverse advertising of online dating websites promote that online dating experience can bring to successful dates, however, I believe they never say that it leads to successful marriage or long term relationship. So does online …show more content…

Online dating provides a quality platform for users to meet countless potential dates at any time through their smartphone and computer. Online dating system increases flexibility of chatting time and break away the limitation of distance which makes dates more globalization and provides a wider range of candidates to choose from, thus increasing odds of finding a better match. Online dating system also offers various types of personality testing and partner matching guideline which helps users to find their partners more compatibly by pairing similar interests and values. Modern technology has made online dating more effective than traditional offline ways of dating. However, online dating services are potentially dangerous like Facebook and Myspace because of the number of troubling privacy issues have raised overwhelming than the traditional Internet chat rooms. Online socializing has linked users with common interests for dating and gives access to individuals ' posted information which put people in to dangerous situation. (Clemmitt, M.) Scammers may use personal information or pictures to create a fake identity, or to con you with a scam. Scammer takes advantage of those people who looking for romantic relationship, through online dating websites by pretending as potential partner. They play on emotion and trust to get you to provide personal information or money. Additionally, online dating creates higher break up rate and lower percentage in marriage than offline dating because it provides too many open options for single and relationship initiated online often takes more time to develop than relationship initiated traditionally because some of the negative stigma given by online dating, such as

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