Advantages Of Online Vs Face To Face

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Online vs. Face to Face
Are online courses as effective as being in a classroom environment? People are entitled to their own opinion. From my own experience, I think a classroom has the best environment to learn in. I made an attempt to be taught 4 college courses online, it didn’t work at all. I felt as if I wasn’t learning anything; it was as if I was basically wasting my time. There are a lot of difficulties and hassles that come with online learning. Between transportation problems, peoples schedule issues, family problems, etc.; most people find it rather more difficult. Especially with all the stress they handle on a daily basis & no classroom support for help. It’s more convenient to just go to their proper class environment. Online courses can bring less motivation, tons of stress, maybe not familiar with technology, a whole bunch of inconveniences. …show more content…

In other words, it’d be hard to fall behind. There’s always someone that can help you out, even if it’s a little. Interaction and guidance from somebody with the experience of the subject is the best method to learn from. You could visually see a problem getting broken down and explained. That’s a lot easier than teaching yourself a whole curriculum and trying to inform yourself on it and take test on your own. There are in class resources available for use, when it comes to learning inside of a classroom. Classroom resources can save you time and money. Teachers would be appointed more time ahead to have a scheduled curriculum; so they can be sure there would be enough time consumed on each

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