Facebook Friendship Ethics: Ethics On Facebook And Facebook

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Facebook friendship ethics, in regards to whether teachers and students should be allowed to be friends over Facebook and other social outlets alike, is a sometimes overlooked ethical issue, but also equally important in its own right. It is particularly an issue when sexual predators hold the position as a teacher, friend a student, and have unmonitored private messaging between. For me, the ethics and or professionalism behind the issue is purely situational. There are certain situations when online communication can be beneficial and should be encouraged. However, this can be a problem for people who find Facebook friendship between teachers and students unethical, unprofessional, and potentially dangerous. Pamela Rutledge writes “all of this argues for …show more content…

Going with this concept, the author continues and says “After we teach the teachers, the sensible thing is to educate the students in digital citizenship—not just by trying to put the fear of God in them about bullying or sexting—but to discuss the positives and negatives of the whole evolving landscape” (Rutledge). This shows how social media etiquette with students and teachers is crucial. Additionally, this is perhaps the best solution for keeping Facebook friendship ethics at bay because there are clear positives and clear negatives regarding the whole issue, therefore digital citizenship literacy and intercommunications of students and teachers is not a black or white issue. Personally, I have sought the use of some means of social media for academic purposes. In the early college we use a learning management system called Schoology in which posts, updates, and messages are put to use to keep students, staff, and teachers caught up on latest school events. It’s also used to keep in touch with teachers for assignment due dates and Q and

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