On Vagueness of The English Language and a Proposal to Remove It.

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A problem long plaguing the English language, and all spoken communication for that matter, has been the ambiguity between one's own understanding of what they are talking about as opposed to another party's own understanding of the same terms or concepts. There is no way to fully impart your thoughts to another and know for certain that the complete concept was received. The mere act of speaking instantly changes the idea as soon as it is translated through the others ears and matched to their own meanings to the words. This is in no doubt felt the greatest in relationships and marriages. Therefore a change is needed in the way of not only thinking about the terms of love, but of expressing them.

I propose that all personal exchanges between a couple or family in terms of love, caring and promises be done through the means of chat-speak in the form of text messages, forum posts or instant messaging. No longer will a woman be fooled by the implications of a man's words of love and promises to the future of togetherness. Instead, she will have an electronic record of the statement using a clear, concise lexicon that is already implemented in our vernacular today. In fact, it is so concise that many phrases and terms are already reduced to a single letter or number and used in small combinations of both. “I love you” said at various times will imply and effect the others feelings in different ways depending on surroundings or situations. However, a simple “143”; the abbreviation for “I love you” based off the keys of the phone corresponding to the first letter of each word, lets them know that you care a great deal about that person, without implying that you want to take care of them or be with them for the rest of t...

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...need to span the rift created between individual's own knowledge and understanding. If we allow chat-speak to take its own course and to shape us in its own fashion then we may lose the inherent simplicity and beauty of this language and be forever doomed to repeat the plights of our less learned and verbally based fore bearers. We must change the way we think about speech and the larger meaning behind it. Until we can craft our spoken words to illustrate a point and not wash over it we must use what we have available to find true meaning and understanding, especially between two people who care for each other. If there is no hope for a loving couple to be able to know fully what the other means and to know explicitly the truth in statements, how can our world as a whole ever hope to be free of the hate and distrust plaguing us today? How can we even find peace?

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