On The Road to Finding Who I Am

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I have always had goals in my life set, but not necessarily by me. They tend to lean more towards being goals that have been implanted in my head by others to “better my future.” If I really think about it, achieving others goals that are set for me isn’t going to better my future to much when it comes to making me happy. Now, I’ll be honest, I don’t know much about myself, who I am, who I’m supposed to be, or do, because I'm so used to people making those decisions for me. Another reason I don’t know all these things about myself is because according to every personality test I have ever taken I don’t like to talk about feelings to much. In fact, nine times out of ten, I don’t even recognize my own feelings unless I actually stop to think about them. If it comes to more personal, and emotional type situations. I tend to make my answers short, or simply say I don’t know. I didn’t even realize I actually did this until I took a personality test. I want to step out of my comfort zone for this paper. I’m hoping to realize more about myself. I could easily do what I have done for every other introspection paper I have been asked to write. Which is take a ton of personality tests then use the results to morph into some bland, unpersonalized paper that is considered “me”.
I am a massively complex person, I know that much for sure. In fact in one of the many personality type tests I have taken told me that there are only roughly twenty-seven people like me in the entire world. I’m honestly not to sure how that is, but I found it pretty interesting. I like to be a deep thinker, and figure out complex things on my own. I enjoy challenges, and I adore adventure, and being able to do a variety of multiple things. Im a very open person, ...

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...l trying to figure myself out and they start to give off lists of traits they see in me, but it doesn't seem quite enough for me. I am now trying to figure out what I want in my life. To sort from what other think I should do, from what I think I should do. I am ready to set my own goals to accomplish, and have my own plans to create. All I know for now is that I have a deep burning passion to do something great with my life, I don’t know what it is or how to quench the desire, but I do know I need to find it. I want to touch, and change people’s lives. I want to be a huge inspiration. Someone important, to show everyone how strong I am as a person, and I want to share how to be strong with others. I know I will figure out everything eventually. All I know is that if I knew everything there is to know about myself, then there wouldn’t be to much of a point to life.

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