The Omega Sanction

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They emerged from the ladder into a low lit stone corridor. Jennifer stood shivering despite the exertion of climbing the ladder. Billy scuttled along to the bend in the corridor to their left before coming back to reveal it was clear of any enemy.
“How long to the exit from here,” she asked.
“I think we have to walk about one klick from here, I just hope they don’t know about it and have it guarded.”
“Oh, don’t say that, just when I was enjoying myself.”
She smiled thinly before slumping down to the floor.
“What I wouldn't give for a Vodka Martini right now.”
“I’ll make do with an ice cold Bud,” he said.
“If we make it out of here, I’ll buy you one at The Chandelier,” she laughed.
“It’s a deal, we’ll rest here for a minute.”
“How did you do it, Billy? I mean shoot those men earlier, you always seemed so mild mannered to me.”
Billy smiled, seemed to disappear into the shadows of his past.
“One thing I took from my good for nothing father was, do to others what they are thinking of doing to you, I was bullied a lot at school, he taught me how to fight. Got me into a lot of trouble at first.”
He laughed, a harsh sound, and put his head back against the wall.
“Anyway, they would have killed us, better them, eh?”
“So, what about you? The way you handled that guard, you didn't hesitate.”
“Self-preservation, I think they call it. I know one thing, I have never been so scared in my life.”
The sounds of voices carried along the corridor from around the bend.
“Shit!” He said, grabbing her hand, “Time to run.”
They set off at a fast pace along the corridor. Both grimacing at the sounds their footfalls made. There was no cover, no where to hide.
Up ahead the tunnel curved to the right, Jennifer looked over her shoulder to see thre...

... middle of paper ... these looney tunes who have taken the complex may have done just that, question is, why do they need to go back?”
“Heads up!” Cyclops called out, “We got movement.”
They all focussed in on the screen.
A man and a woman were running along the tunnel. They stopped. The man fired at something off screen. Cyclops swivelled the camera in the direction of his shots. Two buggies could be seen swerved across the tunnel with four armed men taking cover behind them.
“Trotsky, how you doing?”
“I’m through to the tunnel wall, boss man.”
“Okay, Kukri, Hypo, set the charges, some folk need a little help, when the wall goes we go out shooting.”
The two men took shaped charges from the metal box, and placed them in the still smoking hole Trotsky had created. They all moved back further down the tunnel.
“Fire in the hole!” Kukri yelled as he hit the button on the detonator.

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