The Benefits Of Skateboarding In The Olympic Games

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The Olympics; an ancient tradition that can be historically traced back to 708 BC. These Olympic games were originally dedicated to the Twelve Olympian gods, Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes and Hestia. Athletes would compete in events such as foot races, boxing matches, javelin throwing and long jumps. Although these events are still prevalent in current Olympic games, the course of history has drastically evolved the Olympics. In efforts to stay contemporary and modern the International Olympic Committee adds new events to the Olympic games every few years. The latest of these additions will be added to the upcoming 2020 Olympic games in Tokyo Japan. These additions include Baseball/Softball, Karate, sports climbing, surfing, and lastly, skateboarding. Yes, skateboarding. Those same skateboarders who wreak havoc and breeze by …show more content…

In this essay I will dismiss any arguments made by skateboarders who do not approve of skateboarding in the olympics and explain how skateboarding in the olympic games will be greatly beneficial for not only the olympic committee but also for the skateboarding …show more content…

This is mostly because of SLS’s large monetary payout to the winner and blatant sponsorships from unrelated skateboard companies like Monster energy drink. These advertisements hindered the credibility of the event. Regardless of these sponsorships, these contests give skateboarders a platform to demonstrate what they are capable of and gave each individual a way to excel and progress skateboarding to its limits. The skateboarding happening in contests today is far more controlled than anything in contests before and the tricks that happen in SLS are often mind blowing and would be virtually impossible or imaginable 20 years ago. This progression can only be taken to new hights with skateboarding 's presesnce in the Olympic

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