Initial Impressions Of Curley's Wife

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John Steinbeck was born in Salinas, California on the 27th of February 1902 and he wrote of mice and men in 1937, he passed away in December 1968. of mice and men is about two migrant workers who go to work on a ranch. this novel is based in the time of the Great Depression. in the 1930s women were seen as inferior beings and their only role was to please their husbands. this essay shall be exploring the ways in which Steinbeck presents Curleys wife. We first learn about Curleys wife when candy warns George and Lennie about her during their conversations, the source uses the following quote to display Candy 's feelings about Curleys wife."well-she got the eye". it appears that curleys wife spends a lot of time looking at the other men on …show more content…

it is clear that curleys wife is very well known on the ranch, however she is known for all the wrong reasons. moreover she is shown as a confident lady. all this evidence demonstrates that the first initial impression of curleys wife is not good as it leaves a bad image in our minds. Curleys wife doesn 't enjoy being with Curley as she dislikes him, in view of that the following quote is used."he isn 't very nice". curleys wife 's relationship with her husband is passionless due to the way she is being treated. Curleys wife 's relationship with the other men on the ranch is underwhelming considering that she is 'jail bait '. she is displayed as a sexual object who interferes with the men on the ranch. George soon begins to believe the rumors he hears. the evidence shows what George is told about her relationship with the other men on the ranch." she aint concealing nothing" the source clearly indicates that all the other men on the ranch think that she is bad news. curleys wife 's relationship with the other men on the ranch is quite hesitant considering that they do not want to get involved with her therefore they all avoid her apart from Lennie and Slim who have already fallen for her

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