Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

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In the novella Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck is "Too much desire can get in the way of your dreams." John Steinbeck represents this theme using symbolism. There are many examples of symbolism throughout the novella that represent the theme. Also, there is more than one character that makes this theme true through the use of symbolism. Lenny, one of the main characters, is the main person who proves "too much desire can get in the way of your dreams" through symbolism the most. Characters such as George and Curley's wife also play an important role in using symbolism to prove the theme.

George's desire to be responsible of Lenny ends up getting in the way of his dreams. Lenny is the symbol. In the following quote, "God a'mighty, if I was alone I could lie so easy."(12) George explains to Lenny that if he was not responsible for him, he could do what he most wants in life. Throughout the novel, George repeats to Lenny that if he did not have him, he would have already accomplished his dreams. John Steinbeck also proves the theme through symbolism at the end of the novel. Even though Lenny does not remember much, he remembers same word phrases; "Ain't you gonna give me hell?" "Give ya hell?" "Sure, like you always done before. Like, 'If I di'n't have you I'd take my fifty bucks" Lenny has caused George a series of problems throughout the novella. Because of the problems both characters have faced together, they have not been able to succeed on their ultimate dream. Even though George wants to accomplish his dreams, he never had the heart to abandon Lenny due to Lenny not being mentally capable. Lenny also symbolizes George's inability to accomplish his dreams when Lenny destroys the last bit of hope they had to accomplish thei...

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...ther in the following quote, "When they had them previews I coulda went to them, an' spoke in the radio, an'it would'nta cost me a cent because I was in the pitcher."(86)

John Steinbeck represents the theme "Too much Desire can get in the way of your dreams" through symbolism. The author represents the theme with symbolism through George, Lenny and Curley's wife.George's symbol that represents the theme is the desire to take responsibility of Lenny. Lennys symbol that represents the theme is the desire to pet animals. The animals are the symbol. Curley's wife symbol that represents the theme is Curley, his husband." Too much desire can get in the way of your dreams" is definitely the the theme in this novella Of Mice and Men can have various ways of proving this theme right, but Lenny, George and Curley's wife are the main characters who prove the theme the best.

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