The Odyssey Patriarchy Analysis

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The Odyssey by homer is an epic that depicts the life and Journey of Greek war hero Odysseus, who left for war twenty years prior and had yet to return to his home ten years after the end of his battle in the Trojan War. On his first attempt to return home he was shipwrecked and was the only survivor he landed on the island of Ogygia where he was held captive as a sex slave by the the beautiful goddess calypso who was in madly love with him. Also depicts the many roadblocks he faced with on his journey home which mostly includes his many Encounters with various women. Meanwhile back in Ithaca Penelope wife of Odysseus refused to remarry and stayed faithful to her husband despite the fact that he has been missing for 10 years and is presumably …show more content…

In the end Odysseus is reunited with his wife and son and is regarded as a hero once more Patriarchy Is a social system in which men are held at a higher standard than women. In this structure men hold primary power over mostly everything including women and children. In this type of society men can do whatever they want and get away with it. Women are expected to carry themselves a certain way and be submissive to their man’s needs, they are seen as inferior and no matter how good of a job they do it will always be considered lesser to that of any man. The idea of Patriarchy has been the basis for many civilizations and cultures even in todays modern society. The ideology of Patriarchy is portrayed throughout “The Odyssey” numerous times. It is shown through the estranged relationship between Odysseus and Penelope. Over the course of 10 years Odysseus has cheated on his wife multiple times with many different women. His temptation is what has led him through these many obstacles he faced. His submission to …show more content…

In the book both Calypso and Circe are represented as Seductresses who use their feminine charms to lure and detour Odysseus from his journey home. They are symbolized as crazed love struck women who traps and holds a man unwillingly for years to sleep with him without his consent or approval. Where as Odysseus who is equally to blame for the affair Is shown as a helpless man who is deceived and blinded by temptation. Even though he too uses deception to make them believe that he has feelings for them, he is still the one who receives understanding and is not shown as deceitful but instead as a poor helpless man which is not necessarily the case. It just shows how men and women are characterized differently for the same thing. Because he is a man he can get away with seducing these women, and is even praised for his trickery because he did it for his own gain, but when it is done by a woman she is labeled and looked upon as a

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