Odysseus Hero Analysis

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A hero is a man or woman that has been recognized for an outstanding achievement. The generic definition of a hero that most people state is someone that does an action for a person out of the goodness of their heart. In The Odyssey, by Homer, Odysseus is a hero according to the definition, but not to most people’s thought of a hero. The only hero, Odysseus is a war hero from the Trojan War. Throughout the book, Odysseus does not do things that are out of the goodness of his heart. He is shown to be selfish and clueless to the needs and views of his crew and others. There a ton of examples of Odysseus being prideful. One of the most predominant was not listening to people. In book twelve, Circe gives Odysseus advice on how make it home more safety. Circe gives Odyssey two choices, the first, stated “Scylla lurks inside it—the yelping horror, / yelping, no louder than any suckling pup, / but she’s a grisly monster, I assure you.”(94-96) in this quote, you can hear the warning that Scylla is not something to mess with. The second choice in lines 114-117 is states “beneath it awesome Charybdis gulps the dark water down. / Three times a day she vomits it up, three times she gulps it down, / that terror! Don’t be there when the whirlpool swallows down—/ not even the earthquake god could save you …show more content…

Odysseus killed all the suitors in cold blood which is shown in, book twenty-two, lines 68-71 which states “till all you suitors had paid for all your crimes! / Now life or death—your choice—fight me or flee/ if you hope to escape your sudden bloody doom! / I doubt one man in the lot will save his skin!” One could say that Odysseus does not want any of the suitors alive because he gives them no way out. Odysseus then goes and kills any of the maids that had been raped by the suitors like it was their fault. The actions above should not have resulted had Odysseus had some kindness in his

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