Ode on a Grecian Urn

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In “Ode on a Grecian Urn” Keats uses the urn as a symbolism he talks about the urn being a human being. The poet speaks of the urn designs that are process in time by the artist which the urn became a beautiful master piece of art that comes alive. The urn is a beautiful ancient object designed with fascinated pictures imprinted on the side. He brings the pictures to life as he goes into a fantasy world thinking of lovers that are frozen in time. He thinks of a relationship the lovers could have and what if they pursue their love interest. The urn would have a beautiful story to tell but the urn cannot speak so the story will never be able to be discovered. In the second stanza, the poet makes the difference between scenery arts and flawed. The sounds of music on the urn are through his ...

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