Persuasive Essay On Obesity

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In the U.S people are suffering from many health risks, and although many health issues have raised awareness, obesity seems to be the one health risk people ignore, and are not informed about. Currently in the United States, obesity has become a tremendous problem that has not had much success in lowering the obesity rates. If you were to be out in a public place, and look around how many people would you guess were at risk of obesity? Based on statistics 18% of all of America’s population are obese already, and almost every american will either be obese or at risk, and could be related to someone who the obesity epidemic effects. Obesity is something that is making an impact all over the world especially in the U.S, because not many people are aware of how much it is affecting lives, as a country we should engage in raising awareness to improve our nations future. Obesity is a condition with high fat masses in the body. Basically base fat is stored in the adipose …show more content…

“ Fifty-four percent of U.S adults have abdominal obesity, up from 46 percent in 1990-2000” (Journal of American Medical Association). Tanner mentions Dr. William Dietz an obesity expert who used to be apart from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. His research has led him to believe that although “obesity rate may be stable, fat distribution may be changing, which would mean that we shouldn’t be complacent about the plateau.” (Tanner) According to the Associated Press and researchers from the CDC, the national health public institute for the U.S Americans have had an increase and the obesity rates have doubled since

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