Obesity Causes And Effects Essay

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The epidemic of obesity is a medical circumstance defined as excess weight in the form of fat which may impair health. (World Obesity Federation, 2012). Obesity can be calculated by BMI which is body mass index. Obesity means BMI greater than 30. (ibid). This essay will outline the causes and effects of obesity. Diet, lifestyle, toxic environment are the causes of obesity are physical, psychological and economic are impacts. One fundamental cause of obesity is diet. Adolescence is perfect example of this. Students might have breakfast and lunch at schools. The vast majority of students’ lunches often consist of crisps, chocolate bars and soft drinks, which are high energy foods and due to unbalance energy. (Oliver, 2010). According to research, …show more content…

Television watching is a strong factor in obesity. (Oliver, 2006). Advertisements have directive functions about what kind of food viewers prefer. However, a large amount of advertisements about fast foods or soft drinks which due to viewers’ ingestion over calorie. Watching television also means they required to sit on the couch for a long period of time without doing any exercises, which gives fat a chance to accumulate and leads to obesity. An increase in physical inactivity is due to the increasingly sedentary varieties of many forms of work. (World Health Organization, 2013). Jamie Oliver said “Physical activity can protect against weight gain”. With the development of science and technology, automated activity has increasingly position in social productivity. Office workers tasks require them to sit in front of their computers for half of the day, therefore they have no chance to do any exercises. 80% of Woolworth’s senior staffs were either obese or overweight and 31 % were already obese. (Davies, …show more content…

The main effect in physical is increasing mortality. Obesity can result in variety sickness, such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and some cancers such as endometrial, colon and breast. (World Health Organization, 2013). From the recording of ABC, if someone died because of obesity which may relate illness influenced to their next generations. (Altman and Leitch, 2012). High blood pressure was the highest leading cause of death in American women. (Danaei, Ding, Mozaffarian, Taylor, Rehm, Murray, Ezzati, 2009). Their sicknesses have effect on their normal lives. The result is lower quality of life, lower wages and likely have susceptibility to

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