Obama Care: Affordable Health Care Insurance for All

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The concept, affordable health care insurance for all, in theory sounds impressive and the practical application seems realistic. However, as the idealistic theory unfolds, the cost and the coverage are all falling or failing to deliver every aspect and causing so much controversy. The bill and Obama are rapidly dropping in popularity; initially Obama had the backing of the house and congress, which has changed drastically as well. This topic is a concern to all as everyone would like to have affordable health care insurance for their families, not just for catastrophic illness but also to cover preventative health care. Obama managed to get Congress to accept his healthcare plan by making a special rule for Congress and congressional staff to receive a special subsidy to purchase healthcare insurance on the Obama healthcare exchange, which was unavailable to other Americans of the same income level. Additionally due directly to the fact that both houses were controlled by Democrats and Obama’s popularity was high during this time. As everyone knows timing is everything; the opportunity was there, a Democratic president, a democratic controlled Congress, and a democratic controlled House, therefore the deed was done, the healthcare bill passed without a hitch. Sadly there are many negative reactions to the “forced health care coverage by employers.” In many instances due to higher employer costs the staff has been cut back in most situations more people have become unemployed as a direct result of the Obama care, as many employers simply cannot afford to provide the healthcare as warranted by the federal government. Currently there is an open enrollment for healthcare insurance which will end on March 23, 2014. This is called t... ... middle of paper ... ...shall be no administrative or judicial review.” of the boards decisions. Making the members nearly untouchable, the members will be nominated by the president and Senate confirmed, after that they can only be fired, for neglect of duty or malfeasance of office. However, once the board makes a decision it can be overturned only by Congress, and only through unprecedented and constitutionally dubious legislative procedures. This all sounds a bit ominous, our country’s laws and constitution which were set up by the Framers to have a set of checks and balances. The Framers were wise beyond their time knowing there had to be a balance of powers, thereby they basically created two powers of government one inside the other, the Federal Government having final say in all matters, but also giving the states a certain amount of freedom to enact the laws to govern their state.

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