Essay On Becoming A Nutritionist

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Nutrition is the backbone to the advancement of health and medicine. Good nutrition is what keeps a body functioning properly. Nutritionists work with the human body and the foods it requires to be healthy and strong. Patients are recommended by doctors to see nutritionists for many reasons, ranging from obesity to diabetes, and sometimes to learn about healthier meal options. Less education is required to become a nutritionist, in comparison to other physicians, as only a four year degree in the science field is needed. The knowledge of a nutritionist is forever growing and changing. The job outlook is promising, as growth for the profession is predicted to increase by sixteen percent. The job of a nutritionist is the next step to a healthier …show more content…

An interest in science and mathematics is highly recommended. In high school, students thinking about this career path are encouraged to take all the science classes they can, including any Advanced Placement courses their school offers. They are encouraged to participate in a job shadow in the field and volunteer in any medical lab they can. After high school, the first step to becoming a certified nutritionist includes earning a bachelor 's degree at any college or university in clinical nutrition, food service systems management, dietetics, foods and nutrition, or a related science field. Often times, people who aren’t sure if they want to become a nutritionist earn their degree in a general science such as: biology, anatomy, molecular biology, psychology, or chemistry. From here, students are required to take a national competency exam to test knowledge and to become certified in the field. Depending on the state, different certifications are required and administered through the Certification Board of Nutrition Specialists. If the board test is passed, the student becomes a certified Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN). After passing the exam, student must participate in a 1,000 hour internship, where they will receive on the job training and exposure to the career. One can then begin their career as a nutritionist or go back to school to receive an advanced degree in nutrition to …show more content…

I was misdiagnosed multiple times and put on a wide range of pharmaceutical drugs, none of which worked. I was sick for two years until finally my parents decided to send me to a nutritional specialist, where I was put on a strict diet that consisted of a vast majority of organic, fresh foods. Within less than a month’s time I was feeling better than ever; I was finally back to my normal self. After years of waiting and wondering if I would ever return to normality, I finally found an escape. I wish to become a nutritionist for the purpose to help others experience the relief I did. I want to improve the lives of the ill through the least invasive of methods. In high school, I have taken all of the most advanced science courses that my school has to offer, including Advanced Placement biology. For my senior year, I am taking two college level science classes to ready myself for the rigorous science track I plan to pursue in college. I hope to attend the University of Vermont to earn my bachelor 's degree in food sciences and dietetics. I then plan to take my boards to become certified Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and do my internship at a small private practice that presents itself to me. After that, I either plan to begin work in the field or go back to school to get an advanced degree in nutrition to better myself in the field of

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