Theories Of Nurse Turnover

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Nurse turnover is the periodic problem in all health care organization which intimidate the quality care and the safety of patients( Johns& Gates, 2007). The main reason of nurse turnover is increase demand and high work load which creates lots of anxiety, fatigue, physical and mental distress among nurses. At the same time many health care organization don’t focus on the job satisfaction of their employees such as, lack of rewards, incentives, motivation, inspiration and other recreational activity increases the burnout syndrome among nurses. If the relation among nurses, physician and other team members is troubled, the chances of nurse turnover is high because people like to work in friendly and co-operative environment( Punke, 2013). Inadequate In relational model all employees including leader and the manager work collaborately to accomplish the common goal of an organization and make necessary change for the benfit of both organization and the employees.( the relational model, n.d) and it had positive impact on the organization’s goal and the employee’s job satisfaction. bEING A LEADER, I would always prefer to be fair, honest, friendly, co-operative, democratic and resourceful towards organization and the employees.. The main reason of nurse turnover is work related stress which can be minimized by following relational model. Relational model always focuses on the group’s feelings, attitude, decision, growth and the development in which the feedbacks and concerns of the group members are always valuable( The relational model, In order to minimize the nurse turnover, leader has to continuously motivate their employees to achieve organizational as well as their personal goals. Similarly, manager has to plan, organize,and control the things appropriately so that misunderstanding and mistakes can be avaioded which has direct relationship with the employees job satisfaction. My personal approach would be a democratic leader where I would like to involve my all employees to participate and work together to achieve the organizational goal. I will always motivate the employes to provide suggestions and comments so that creativity and innovation can be initiated which has direct relationship wth job

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