The Nuremberg Code

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Medical and experiment research is important to the society and helped cures disease, cancer and other medical condition to human. But only if the experiments have to be ethical and the participant in the experiment should have the right to choose to continue in the experiment or research. In today medical world it would be very difficult for the science and the general community to accept any research or treatment similar to the Nazi physicians causes death to thousands of individual being test and subject to these research and development. The past of unethical research has created the framework of “Nuremberg Code” and “The declaration of Helsinki”, The Belmont Report to protect and avoided painful, death and unnecessary to human, animal. The research must be helpful and help to cure disease and must contribute a value to the peoples.
These experiment and test on human and animal are extremely in-humane. These researches are extremely risky and possible damage to the person and some extreme experience could cause endless effect on them. One of the most interesting articles about these researches is “Ethics in Clinical Research a History of Human Subject Protections and Practical Implementation of Ethical Standards” by David Perlman, Ph.D. and Glaxo Smith Kline. The article states about ethical regulation and past practice inhumane to peoples. There are several different research method the research can be conduct if there proper technology and guidance with advance technology, human could test subject on another items, such as tree, plan and etc. However after review about these articles, it has become difficult to understand the real reason behind these experiments is being conduct and test.
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...ces about “the natural progression of syphilis”. The experiment on “collecting data” was exposing by “The New York Times” during 1972. Originally the research was only supposed to last for a few months, however the data was very important to the physician therefore they continued the experiment. However in 1940 the researcher refused to provided penicillin to the men. The main purpose of this research was to collect data, the individual was chosen to participates are mainly not educated and they do not have a good condition of living. These men are from the state of Alabama, in the city of Tuskegee. The researcher refused to provide “penicillin” treatment for the men. This action represent unethical to the individual being observed. Even those they are not harming the individual, but withheld treatment when is available is considered unethical for the researcher.

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