Wisdom: Embodying Experiences and Spaces

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I searched countless sites for quotes regarding wisdom, but kept returning to the one written above. For an unknown reason, this quote is continuing to plaque my mind. I am not hundred percent sure of the reason yet, but I find sentimental value in it. In addition, I find that it relates perfectly to this class and the discussions we have had about places and becoming our places. Unit three revolves around the idea of wisdom sitting in places and I believe this quote begins to chip away at this concept. As humans we encounter wisdom on a daily basis. One can find it in anything and everything. Wisdom can be found in a person, a place, or even an experience. It can be found in the sky, in the leaves that sway with the wind, or in the oceans powerful tide. Wisdom is everywhere, but to experience the full affects of it, one must understand that these people, places, objects, and experiences need to become part of us. Without doing this we are only merely …show more content…

Our thoughts create us into the people we are. Everyday hundreds, even thousands, of thoughts rush through our minds and help form us into the people we are intended to become. An example of this comes from my life. As I discussed earlier, this passed winter I was experiencing a serious amount of anxiety with nursing school. I would think constantly about how hard school was going to be and the fact that I would not be able to handle it. These thoughts created me into a person who wanted to quit nursing school. Readers can see another example of thoughts creating us into who we are in William Wordsworth’s poem “I Wander Lonely as a Cloud”. Wordsworth says, “For oft, when on my couch I lie/ and my heart with pleasure fills, and dances with the daffodils” (19,23-24). These are two examples of the power our minds and thoughts can hold over us. Wordsworth thinks of daffodils and becomes happy. I would think of nursing school and become paralyzed with

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