Social Norms Essay

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Many people in society experience a lot of different norms out in public. Norms are social expectations that guide people’s behavior. A norm can be something unexpected or uncomfortable for others because it comes out of nowhere. For example, if a person is walking around the mall looking for a store he/she can go in and buy a nice outfit, and someone unexpected come up to them and tells ‘hey’ the person will automatically feel awkward and would want to leave home because they might think that the person is trying to do something to them. This norm can be something that can make you feel uncomfortable because a stranger coming up to you and saying ‘hey’ it is pretty strange and awkward. These types of norms can cause people’s reactions to feel
Mores are strictly held beliefs about behaviors and dictate right and wrong; for example, an older sibling says a bad word accidently out loud, in front of a younger sibling, and the younger sibling repeats that bad word and you, the older sibling have to give him/her the example of what is bad or good to say or do. This example can be good especially for the younger kids that are growing and so they can have manners and not put into embarrassment by a stranger or even your own family member. Mores are a big part in our behavior because we all should have manners and respect and understand the good and bad things and right to wrong things that occur in real
Well, my step-mother send me and my sister to the store, Walmart, to buy her some pills for headache and some other things and so as I arrive, I go to the pharmacy center to look for some pills that my step-mother had wanted us to buy. As I’m looking for the pills I’m on my knees looking for them and from the corner of my eye, I see a person standing next to me, well, I’m thinking it’s my sister so I ask the person to help me look for the pills (not looking/knowing who the person was) and I start telling the person here take this and put it in the cart and showing if it was those pills that my step-mother wanted, so as I look up I see a lady holding the pills I ‘supposedly’ gave my sister and the lady looks at me like if I was some psycho talking by herself but, she told me if I came alone or with someone else and I stand up and tell her I came with my sister but I saw a shadow next to me thinking it was her and I apologized for holding the box of pills she had in her hands. I felt so embarrassed that I just wanted to run out the store and leave my sister there for making me go through something so embarrassing like this norm violation project I observed. I think my observation was an example of a norm as well, because it was literally an unexpected

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