No Control of Happiness in Brave New World

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Brave New World, acknowledges government control which results in the failure of a society. It is a world created where everything is under control, being observed, and synthetic. The society was manufactured in a test tube therefore, it was factory made. The people were born and developed in the test tubes, so their human nature became adapted so an individual cannot identify or approach it. Every little detail of a person's life is prearranged. These people's lives revolve around their community, their existence, and security; never their individual happiness. They are basically living for their society as a whole. This society was designed to be successful but it failed to give people their individuality. The individuals sacrificed their identity to make sure that everybody was able to survive, advance, and live a life of happiness. When there are limitations on behavior patterns in a society it can restrict one's ability to be truly happy in every aspect.

Huxley created a world where every individual’s freedom is taken away from them due to their pre-designed lifestyles. However, the characters from this book still believe that their own happiness lies within themselves. In a way, it does because they have not experienced life a different way due to the fact that there is so much power and direction over them. Ultimately, the people who watched over them, such as John, who was a savage delivered to the reservation for research, believed that they wanted more than the foolish happiness created for them.

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Therefore, happiness relies upon one's freedom to decide their own place in society, the relationships they establish with others, and ability to make their own decisions.

Society’s restrictions are also pla...

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... Their emotions were programmed. They never created bonds with the people surrounding them and never formed relationships, or the awareness to become smarter people. They were trapped in a world designed for them to make no mistakes and feel neutral about everything. To conclude when someone never experiences the opposite of something, they never understand the true meaning of it. They never get to feel anything to its full potential, so to them it’s typical.

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Works Cited

Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. New York: Perennial Classics, 1998.

Pearce, David. "A Defence Of Paradise-Engineering." Aldous Huxley : Brave New World. 2008. BLTC Research. 15 Feb. 2011 .

Smith, Nicole. "An Analysis of the Themes of Consumption and Utopia." Brave New World(2010). ArticleMyriad.2010.15Feb. 2011 .

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