The NFL is Killing Their Employees

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The NFL is a multi-billion dollar company that has neglected to compensate its past and current employees that have acquired long-term brain damage while performing their jobs. Their incompetence has caused severe brain damage and even death to former employees because of their irresponsible ways over the past forty years. The science and study of this problem has produced a great amount of information that both sides could benefit from but the NFL needs to take action and responsibility. The NFL has produced a product that has caused long-term brain damage and needs to be liable for the compensation due to its victims. In a recent article titled “A Brain Gone Bad” finding by Dr. Bennet Omalu and Dr. Robert Cantu, case studies of the effect of concussions in ex-NFL players’ brains “presented clinical symptoms of sharply deteriorated cognitive function and psychiatric symptoms such as paranoia, panic attacks, and major depression.” These case studies took place from 2005-2007 and found that NFL concussions were the underlying cause of CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy) which can cause dementia and Parkinsonism but the NFL committee tried to sweep this information “under the rug” by writing a letter to the head editor of the article asking for the letter to be retracted. This kind of reaction gives the impression of guilt on the part of the NFL and its committee. Hundreds of players, past and present, have major long-lasting brain trauma that has caused their lives and their families to be negatively impacted. The NFL has shown negligence but has not stepped up in compensation to the players and their families even with the findings in these studies that prove their fault. The amount of attention this epidemic has recei... ... middle of paper ... ...needs to take action and responsibility. References Gandert, D., & Kim, E. (2013). THE NFL'S HEADACHE: Issues with California workers’ compensation for continuous head traumas in former professional football players. University Of Toledo Law Review, 45(1), 57-88. Hanna, J Kain, D. (2010).. M., & NFL's shaky concussion policy exposes the league to potential liability headaches. The Entertainment and Sports Lawyer, 28(3), 9-12,14-17. Retrieved from Polack, P. (2012). Advanced Helmet Designs Don't Appear to Reduce Concussion. AAOS Now, 6(4), 13. Sahler, C. S., & Greenwald, B. D. (2012). Traumatic Brain Injury in Sports: A Review. Rehabilitation Research & Practice, 1-10. doi:10.1155/2012/659652 VOOSEN, P. (2013). A Brain Gone Bad. Chronicle Of Higher Education, 59(42), B6

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