The New World

800 Words2 Pages

In America in the 1650s, the population of Chesapeake was increasing by the birthrate. To make profit, Chesapeake produced large quality of tobacco. Colonial masters first adopted the institution of indentured servitude rather than slavery for labor; African slaves were very expensive and indentured servants needed employment. African slavery soon replaced indentured servants from Bacon’s rebellion and less trouble that they caused. Tobacco was very important to the economy; Europeans would buy slaves to work the fields.

Slavery first began on the shorelines of Africa. Africans were very poor and could hardly get food. Europeans began to capture Africans and shipped them to America. Out of the 11 million African men, women, and children that were sent to the New World like common cargo, 2 million of them died. Africans were treated badly that Europeans whipped and put Africans in handcuffs to transport them. The Africans that survived were sent to work in sugar cane fields and other produce fields that Europeans thrived for like sugar, tobacco, cotton and other New World products. Many Africans and people from Europe realized that people like Europeans needed slaves and would pay anything for them. Soon after realizing, Africans began to sell their own for high amounts of money and so did Europe.

Since African slaves were very expensive and the European economy was low, the Europeans had to look for different kinds of slaves. The Europeans needed slaves for planting corn and especially tobacco. By the 1630s, 1.5 million pounds of tobacco were sent out of Chesapeake Bay and almost 40 million pounds a year by the 1700s. Desperate for employment, Europeans were shipped to America. These people were called indentured servants; the...

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...death rates up to twenty percent and the terrified survivors were put in auctions for the ports of New World. England knew how to control Africans and didn’t care as much for them as indentured servants causing Africans to be less trouble and not misbehave as bad as indentured servants.

Slavery and labor was a major part in the New World. It opened opportunities for Indentured servants and masters but not all of it was good. Indentured servants did not work entirely from Bacon’s rebellion. Bacon’s rebellion brought a lot of trouble and violence to towns making England look for other types of slaves. Africans were expensive for slavery but Africans ended up to be the best slaves for the New World as to misbehaving. The New World learned that Africans were easy to capture and trade. Even though tobacco didn’t make a lot, it changed the New World’s idea on slavery.

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