The New Consumerism: Is it a Want, or a Necessity?

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The basic needs of life are food, water, shelter, and oxygen. They are the four materials required for human life to flourish and prosper. However, as the human mind has evolved more in the past century, people have become more materialistic, and wants have become necessity. As life progresses, new and better materials come out that the mind will latch onto as a want, and it will read that want as a need. United States Americans in the, twenty-first century’s world, are the guiltiest of all when it comes to be too materialistic, and it is becoming a major issue.
The human mind interprets information, and then does whatever it can do with that. When someone looks at an item after having used a previous version of it (an IPhone for example), most people will instantly think that they want it just because it is ‘better’ or just because it is new. The line between want and need is broken in most minds like this considering that the person just does not need a bigger screen to do the same tasks they did before, he could just bring it closer to his face. The line is not drawn just for electronics, but also for clothes, food, and any other luxury in the world. Granted that food is needed to survive, not all foods are needed. An example of that is someone choosing between salad and pizza, because most go for the greased up pile of bread and cheese instead of the nutrient rich salad (without dressing, of course). It is almost as though wants and needs only come up just because there is some kind of material…
John Kenneth Galbraith, in his book The Dependence Effect states just that throughout the pages. He talks about how people have forgotten what their needs are, and the wants evolved into what they cannot live without. The only reason...

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...f America is too drowned in this mindset that it will take decades if not centuries to get out of it, and back on track to the reality of its situation. People are buying goods they do not need, hoarding them for later, and then they are using luxuries that are to be better used elsewhere. Minds in this country are forgetting what the true meanings are in want and need, switching around wants to the word need, and then throwing the reality away. Food, water, and shelter are what life needs, not an IPhone 18Y-bother, and Americans in the United States need to realize this.

Works Cited

Galbraith, John Kenneth. "The Dependence Effect." The Language of Composition 1958: 478.
Rose, Phyllis. "Shopping and Other Spiritual Adventures in America Today." The Langauge of Composition 1984: 483-484.
Schor, Juliet. "The New Consumerism." The Language of Composition 1999: 487.

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