The Nervous System And The Nervous System

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The Nervous System is a complex system that works in unison with the endocrine system. The Nervous System is above all other systems in the body it is the “mission control” in the body. There are two main parts of the nervous system the Central Nervous System (CNS), and the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS). The Central Nervous System is the brain and spinal cord which makes the decisions for what the body should do. The spinal cord can control certain activities like walking and running but the brain does most of the work. The Peripheral Nervous System is the neurons all throughout your body which can be short or as long like an axon running down your leg. These systems work together to make the nervous system run, it works by the PNS picking …show more content…

Neurons are instead the minority in the cells that think up that comeback line. Glial cells do much of the work but get little of the attention. Glial cells provide support, nutrition, and insulation. They also aid with transmissions between neurons. There are many different kinds of Glial cells in both the CNS and PNS. In the CNS there are Astrocytes, which provide support and regulates ions, Microglial cells defend in the immune system, Ependymal cells line the cavities of hollow organs, Oligodendrocytes wrap and insulate, they also create the mylene sheath. In the PNS there are only two kinds of Glial cells Satellite cells which surround neuron cell bodies, Schwann cells insulate and form the myelin sheath. There are also different kinds of neurons and as science goes they have to be classified two different ways, anatomy and function. Multipolar cells make up 99% of neurons and have many axons and a dendrite. Bipolar neurons have one axon and one dendrite, and unipolar only have one protrusion. Sensory neurons take messages from neurons to the brain they are unipolar. Motor neurons take information from the CNS to the neurons, they are multipolar. Interneurons go between sensory and motor neurons and are …show more content…

The Sympathetic division responds to stress and the Parasympathetic division calms the nerves. There are many nerves in the brain that these divisions have to talk to but knowing them can be helpful. They may be classified by sensory motor or both. The sensory nerves are the Olfactory nerve which processes sent, the Optic nerve processes visual stimuli, the Auditory nerve processes audio input. The motor nerves are Oculomotor which controls 4/6 eye muscles, Trochlear controls 1/6 eye muscles, Abducens controls some eye movements, the Spinal accessory nerve moves the head and shoulders, the Hypoglossal nerve allows you to swallow and talk. Some nerves can be both sensory and motor there are only three they are: the Facial nerve which move the facial muscle, the Glossopharyngeal nerve which moves the tongue and pharynx, the Vagus nerve controls the heart digestion

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