The Role Of Neith In The Ancient

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Neith is represented in the balance of worldly events. The goddess is portrayed as the creator and also as the one that brings death. Also, Neith is involved with the chaos and is the one that is also responsible for peace. The goddess Neith brings both extremes to achieve a balance. The role of Neith among the ancient Egyptians is viewed as the goddess of war, especially in the Ptolemaic Dynasty, the one that ruled Egypt just before the onset of the Roman Empire took over. Neith is the belief of many Egyptians, which is an active member of creation, giving birth to Ra, the one that completed the duty of creation, in fact, they believe Neith is present during creation and to the extent that Neith was a creator of some sort.

Neith is a female …show more content…

Also, Neith creates a balance in the lives of the people in such a way that the vulnerability is faced with danger, but there is hope after all done of eternal peace. In real life, Christians are considered the needy, and they face real destruction, death or the end of the world. However, God has hope for the needy that they shall have eternal life, such as the one Neith promises in the land of Reeds. The life after a disaster attained when one believes and relies on or perhaps seeks the provider, God in the contemporary world or Neith in the ancient Egyptian …show more content…

Athena played a significant role in inspiring the name of one of the cities-Athens and many leaders in the culture seek help from time to time to have victory in war and governance. Athena also has a role as the protector of Rome and in the Greek culture as a whole. Also, she is the one responsible for protecting the people against the enemy. Athena is a wisdom provider to any leader in the Greek culture. In the households, Athena is in charge of providing the art of cooking, sewing, and the role in arts.
Athena is a female deity. Female symbolizes the origin of wisdom within a family. Also, she teaches the household the wisest and the wrong. It teachers bravery through heroic stories to their young ones. Also, she teaches the art of weaving and cooking to the youth. Females take care of the households and males in most instances consult with them as confidants hence the roles tied to Athena.
Athena was courageous, wise and resourceful.
Athena has objects such as an owl for wisdom and armor for

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