The Negative Impact on Native Americans Caused by Settlers

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American Indians and Native Americans refer to the descendants of indigenous people who populated the North American continent for centuries previous to the arrival of European settlers. These native groups were arranged into tribes and nations. Each tribe or nation preserved long-held cultural traditions that were swayed by provincial and environmental indicators that differ among them, and the cultural customs of these tribes cannot be typecast into one pattern. They learned to hunt, fish, battle the severe weather conditions, construct shelters or housing, and grew grains. The entrance of Europeans meant a shortfall in farming, hunting, trapping, and fishing grounds. There were numerous long-term effects on the Native Americans due to British colonization. One long-term outcome of colonization was altering the culture of a colonized region or people group; in countless cases an area was colonized by brute force. Ailments and diseases previously unheard of to Native Americans multiplied through villages, killing people. Also, the Europeans furnished alcohol to the native people, which proved extremely destructive. Another long-term effect on colonization came through religion. It meant changes in the everyday life of the tribes as the English wanted the native people to dispose of their spiritual values and become Christian. The Protestant Reformation was one of the peak freeing actions in history. The basic principle was that religion should be centered on the person, not on the influence or power of the Church. Social changes reshaped the concept of the self, thus the American Enlightenment and Great Awakening periods came into play. These were just some of the effects of the evolution of the socio-politica... ... middle of paper ... ...ed in the South and parts of New England. With the election of Jackson as President, opposers thought it would result in the tariff being significantly reduced. President Jackson instantaneously offered his thought that nullification was equal to treason and speedily messaged ships and began intensifying federal defenses. In 1838-39, as part of President Jackson's Indian removal plan, the Cherokee nation was made to give up their land and travel to an area in what is now Oklahoma. The Cherokee tribe called this migratory journey the Trail of Tears. The Cherokee people faced starvation, illness, and fatigue due to the forced expedition. First appearing in 1845 the Manifest Destiny was an expression which called to mind the authorization for the territorial development of the United States. The Manifest Destiny also provoked the Mexican American war over Texas.

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