The Negative Impact of Animal Testing

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1.2 Current Situation

With the increasing number of researches increasing to take place for different purposes including industrial and health purposes, animal testing is also increasing

in number. Many non governmental organisation are against animal testing and this has caused a very large impact on the opinion the society used to have

towards animal testing. This has caused different people to have different personal views on animal testing. Recent studies show that about 20 million animals

are being killed as they are used in animal testing (Andre & Velasquez, n.d.). While there are some who are against animal testing, some companies especially

companies producing drugs for medical supply continue to use animals to test their products. Issue of counting animals that are being tested is also another

complication. About 90 percent of the animals that are being tested are not even counted in the U.S. statistics alone without taking other countries into account

(11 Facts about Animal Testing, n.d.).

1.3 Reserch Question

Taking into consideration all the opinions of supporters and those who oppose to animal testing, different point of views have raised in number to stand with

their interests. By investigating all the viewpoints of the general public, scientists and non governmental organisation, the main question that should be brought

forward and answered is: "Does animal testing cause negative effects to the society?"

1.4 Thesis Statement

Upon closes analysis, it can be concluded that there are negative effects of animal testing on the society. Negative effects of animal testing on the environment

includes the incompability of the human body with animals, high costs are involved in carrying out animals testing and the matter of safety also needs to be

considered too.

1.5 Scope of Research

Therefore, this report will focus on what are the negative impacts of animal testing on the society, bas on the thesis statement above. This research will

investigate in further what are the negative impacts of animal testing on the society with examples as well as taking into consideration all the arguments which

support animal testing to have a better understanding of this issue entirely.

2.0 Body of content

2.1 Incompability of the human body to animals

First and foremost, one of the conflicts made against animal testing is regarding the incompability of the human body to animals. This can vary in

many different ways. Animals and humans have a totally different system although humans and most animals come under the clssification on being mammals.

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