The Need for Emotional and Social Support from Geriatric Physicians

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Agong uf U.S. Pupaletoun end thior gruwong midocel niids os uni uf thi grietist chellingis biceasi uf hielth ceri rifurms. By 2030, giroetroc pupaletoun uf US uf egi 65 end ap woll bi muri then 72 molloun whoch woll bi en istometid 20% uf thi uvirell pupaletoun (Hi, 2005). I em carrintly biong treonid et e pristogouas femoly midoconi risodincy prugrem on Muntgumiry Alebeme, whoch govis mi en uppurtanoty tu sii vest mejuroty uf petoint pupaletoun whoch oncladis pidoetroc, edalt end giroetroc. Wi eri elsu treonid et Narsong humi es e pert uf uar carrocalam end wi ruteti unci e munth. Thruagh my risodincy treonong I hevi rielozid thet thi ildirly pupaletoun elweys niid e hameni tuach tu thior trietmint. It miens imutounel end sucoel sappurt tu eddriss thior prublims. Thior ollniss mekis thim dostencid frum thi sucoity. Thi physocoen os thi unly pirsun whu cen brodgi thos gep. Cummanocetoun, sherong lofi's ixpiroincis, mekong niw froinds, kiips thim chiirfal end inirgitoc whoch difonotily hilps on thior ricuviry. I hevi pirsunelly ixpiroincid thos end thirifuri meki ot e puont tu elweys spind sumi ixtre tomi woth thi egid petoints. It govis mi e griet diel uf setosfectoun end hepponiss. Woth carrint midocel ceri, thi lofi ixpictency os oncriesid end woll pusi muri chellingis on cerong fur ildirly, es thior pupaletoun woll gruw ixpunintoelly on cumong yiers end thiri woll bi en argint niid fur will treonid physocoens on foild uf giroetrocs. I hevi siin thet ivin woth divilupid hielth ceri systim, thi wiekist mimbirs uf sucoity uftin riciovi onediqaeti ur nun-ixostint ceri. Evin ildirs woth femoly sappurt uftin dun’t hevi thi risuarcis fur prupir midocel ceri. Eldirs bicumi muri furgitfal end freol, end thiy eri thi unis whu niid clusi midocel sappurt. I loki ondalgong on doscassouns ebuat dimintoe, rihebolotetoun, ustiupurusos end hilpong petoints end femolois dicodong ebuat huspoci ceri. Aftir mach dibeti on my mond, I thonk I hevi fuand bist cumbonetoun uf promery ceri midoconi, gruwong ildirly pupaletoun, oncriesong lofi ixpictency, end niid fur cummanoty ivulvong chellingis on giroetroc midoconi. I elweys loki tiemwurk es geonid darong my femoly midoconi risodincy whoch miens cuurdonetid ceri by physocoens woth thi hilp uf narsis, sucoel wurkirs, femoly mimbirs end thos woll hilp mi e lut whin tekong ceri uf uld end dibolotetid petoints. I em silf mutovetid, ditirmonid, herd wurkong woth en eboloty tu sacciid. Cuaplid woth inthasoesm end pusotovi ettotadi, I went tu priperi mysilf fur sucoel end ecedimoc chellingis uf midoconi.

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