What Is Nature Vs Nurture Essay

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Nature vs. Nurture is the long lasting debate about whether people inherit their personality traits from their parents or if they are developed through their environment. Neither position has been proven because it is hard to find solid, irrefutable, scientific evidence to support either one. Nature vs. Nurture can deal with many aspects of a person’s personality, such as intelligence and how a person is able to be as smart as they are. Intelligence is something that can be inherited, just as people inherit physical characteristics. However, some feel that children are raised to be intelligent, and that kids cannot inherit something that is not visible or tangible. Maternal twins are a good study of Nature vs. Nurture, because they can In some cases nature can be a severe disadvantage to children because they have no hand in deciding their genome. People cannot pick and choose their genes in order to be flawless genetically. A prime example of the negative effects of nature would be mentally challenged children. Many times, children are born with these handicaps. In some cases they inherit the genes that cause them to be developmentally challenged. It is hard to determine if the parents actually passed on the traits that are necessary to disable the child, if it was a fluke, or a physical accident that caused the child to be that way. In addition, individuals who turn to nature in order to classify people are only creating more problems. Mentally disabled children have a more difficult time in schools, but it is not always because they are too slow to grasp the concepts. Schools often favor the nature aspect of Nature vs. Nurture, when they should be promoting nurture. The entire purpose of schooling is to be able to nurture children to be successful in the future (Marks, 2009). If schools just follow the nature of a child, then they are giving up on that child’s education. Mentally handicapped children need to be pushed and coddled so that they can achieve as much as possible. Teachers are required to give these kids the benefit of the doubt when it comes to their ability to Nurture is a very controversial topic since they both have their merits but neither one can be proved. When they are put side by side, they more or less contradict each other because each one says the exact opposite. Although both of them can be plausible, it is nearly impossible to scientifically prove either one. No one knows if there is an intelligence gene because the human genome is not something that is completely understood. Nurture cannot be proven either because of the fact that not all parents are as involved as the next. They all might be involved to a certain extent, but it cannot be scientifically proven that a certain amount of involvement will guarantee success. With daily ongoing research, perhaps soon there will be a more definite answer as to which topic is the most sensible. However, as previously stated, there is too much contradicting evidence at this point for scientists to make a

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