Nationalism and Unification

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Nationalism and unification affected the United States, Italy, and Germany drastically throughout the 1800`s. Nationalism is known as an ideology, a sentiment, a form of culture, or a social movement that focuses on a nation, according to Blank and Schmidt. (2003) There are two forms of nationalism, such as desire for a certain group of peoples independence, and the desire of independent dominations for dominance and prestige.

In the United States unification played a role in the American Civil war which occurred 1861-1865, 625 000 soldiers died in this war. The southern states were led by Jefferson Davis, and the north states were led by Abraham Lincoln. The south believed in slave power, and the north believed in industrial freedom, which meant that everyone should believe in themselves. Lincoln did not believe in slavery and this resulted in the American Civil war. The north succeeded in this war. In the end the south decided to join the north and share the same belief system.

In Italy the nationalism and unification occurred around 1870 with the Franco-Prussian war. This occurred in five stages. One being pre-revolutionary, two being revolutionary, three being Cavour`s policy and the role of Piedmont, four being Garibaldi`s campaign in southern Italy, and last but not least, the creation of the Italian kingdom. Pre-revolutionary had a role in the Congress of Vienna which occurred in 1815 it spoke of limiting France`s power, and that no one nation ruled over another, it divided and conquered territory, Italian peninsula ruled again by Austria, and Austria had a great influence over some Italian...

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...war) Bizmark kept her from her allies, and Frances support came to late and Austria lost the war. Austria became a less powerful state after that, and Prussia became the most powerful state. The Franco Prussian war – Bizmark wanted to find an enemy which all Germans would fight. The enemy was France. This unified the north confederation and the southern German states. Germany and Prussia had superior armies and artillery. After the unification Bizmark struggled against the Catholic church he believed the churches power over the people would weaken the power of the state. Eventually William II opposed Bizmarks ideas and eventually dismissed him to carry out his own plans.

Therefore, the nationalism and unification of these states are very important. If we did not have the people of the past, our world would not be a unified world. We all probably would not be here.

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