National Security And Threat Assessment Process

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Twenty First Century Threats
National Security & Threat Assessment Process
National security in the United States is extremely important and requires extensive risk management measures including strategic, exercise, operational and capability-based planning, research, development, and making resource decisions in order to address real-world events, maintain safety, security and resilience (Department of Homeland Security [DHS], 2011). The national security and threat assessment process consists of identifying the risk and establishing an objective, analyzing the relative risks and environment, exploring alternatives and devising a plan of action for risk management, decision making and continued monitoring and surveillance (DHS, 2011). Identifying …show more content…

Climate change needs to be more adamantly addressed through stronger efforts, especially when considering the probable repercussions it can have on national security, particularly on our political, military, social, infrastructure and information systems (PMESII); with many security threats attributed to climate change, including increasing terrorist propaganda and activity (CNA Military Advisory Board, 2014). Constant droughts or increased flooding can further exasperate poverty and uninhabitable living conditions for vulnerable populations, which are the prime conditions for exploitation by terrorists groups. For example, it has been highly publicized that terrorist groups have taken over several towns in Syria; shutting off incoming aid and forcing residents to be at their mercy for food and shelter, a tactic that has led to men and boys joining their ranks out inherent obligations to their families (Welch, 2015). Although this is perceived by many as an ongoing religious and political conflict, it is important to note that climate change has also been attributed as a precursor to this ongoing conflict, primarily through long droughts experienced in Syria, Iraq, and Turkey, which led to water shortages and loss of livestock; the weakening of the economy, and increased migration; thus causing …show more content…

History demonstrates that many powerful empires arouse from controlling resources. Climate change further exasperates that power struggle and will continue to do so in the future if we do not employ stronger efforts to lesson our contribution to future climate change and become more adaptable in the

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