Purpose And Objectives Of The Reading Comprehension Test

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Almost all of us might have had an experience of either developing or validating or taking an MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) test, or a combination of them in our life. Whether we like it or not, the reality is that we cannot escape from it as being part of education system. MCQ tests are popular for their utility, economy, reliability and validity, and can be administered on a great number of test takers quickly and effectively. A valid test measures what it is intended to measure. And a reliable test yields consistent and dependable results. A valid and reliable test is essential to teachers for classroom assessment and to researchers for data collection. It is important for teachers and researchers to understand and learn the …show more content…

Following partly Brown & Abeywickrama (2011), the Reading Comprehension Test was constructed in the steps outlined below.
Determining the purpose and objectives: The first step advocated by Brown & Abeywickrama (2011) in constructing a test is to determine the purpose and objectives of the test. The purpose of the Reading Comprehension Test was to measure reading comprehension ability of IX standard students of a CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) school. Two equal sets of Reading Comprehension Test were needed for an experimental research study, one for pre-test and the other for post-test. It was planned to have 20 items in each set.
Designing test specifications: The second step involved in constructing a test is to clearly state test specifications. The components that would make the construct we are attempting to assess need to be stated in specific terms. Reading comprehension ability was defined as the ability to understand short and long pieces of unfamiliar passages ranging from 20 to 350 words in English and to answer multiple choice questions correctly. It was decided that identifying main idea, recognising supporting details, guessing meaning from context, inferencing, understanding connection of ideas and locating information are the components for …show more content…

The Reading Comprehension Test was given to two university teachers to attest the validity of the questions. Validity refers to “the ability of an instrument to measure what it is designed to measure” (Kumar, 2008, p. 153). For example, if a test is designed to measure reading comprehension, it should measure only reading comprehension and nothing else. The university teachers pointed out two questions for their weak validity as they could be answered even without reading the passage. For example the following question was raised with regard to weak

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