The Bell Krater Analysis

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In ancient Greece, art was a means of capturing and explaining the unexplainable. All throughout Greek vases, either ancient mythology was expressed or reality was shown in an idealistic form. The Bell Krater by a follower of the Niobid Painter, exhibited two pieces of art; one on either side of the vessel. Created during 460-450 B.C. side A depicts the myth of Theseus and his pursuit of Helen, while side B shows a maid bringing news to the Queen. This ceramic Krater used the same red-figure technique on both sides, however the they are seemingly painted by two different artists. The human figures appear in the flesh color of the original clay with the details and background painted using black slips. The contrasting sides not only have different Because, recreation was so crucial to Greece, the story of Theseus and Helen appeared in many other forms. Although in the other vases I examined the characters were not deliberately labeled, the themes and styles remained constant and hinted at the same myth. Our narrator is consistent with the style of other vases using the red-figure technique, but different in imagery. Unlike the Bell Krater at the Chazen, which merely shows the pursuit, several of the vases show a darker depiction of the story. The vases vary in the sequence of events of the myth and show different events such as the rape, the rescue, or the kidnap. In particular a krater shown at Munich, Antikensammlungen shows the act of abduction. The details of the cloth draped over the characters possesses the same style as the Bell Krater. With complex drapery and a similar reach of the hand, the vases show many similar features. However, in this vessel, Theseus is shown exposed carrying Helen away. Despite the on going kidnap the faces remain true to Grecian style and paints an emotionless expression; the characters are neutral and unexpressive. Similarly, another Krater shown in the British Museum in London, continues to exhibit the same style of red-figures, details in the drapery and cloth, and expressionless face. The vase extends the dark thematics and shows the rape. Although the scene

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