Creation Myths

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Before science, in ancient times people used creation myths to explain the origin of the universe. Since we humans are and always have been very curious creatures, at all times we always needed explanations and answers about the universe. These early humans made stories and creation myths to appreciate where their precious resources and where they, “ came from.” Since creation myths and stories do not have any scientific backing, with people using only what they know of, these are called, “masks”. “Masks,” refer to what humans perceive the universe of vs. what it actually is. There are many creation myths about the origin of the earth, why it is round and not flat, why it is three fourths water, etc. One creation myth is about coyote and …show more content…

In the beginning it is dark with no stars or sun, and there is only water. Turtle had asked Earth Initiate for dry land, so humans could survive when Earth Initiate made them. Earth initiate agreed to help turtle and lowered turtle into the water with a rope to grab land. It took turtle six years, and when he finally came up he was covered in green slime. Earth Initiate took a knife and scraped the earth from turtle’s nails. He put it in his hand and rolled it into a sphere, and placed it onto a raft. The earth didn’t grow instantly, but in time it grew so enormous that there were mountains as far as he could see. At the end the raft ends up in Tadoiko, where it can still be seen …show more content…

No matter where we come from our families always have stories to share about what they know, they usually have no scientific evidence or backing, but it is culture and traditional values. Native Americans always have a creator, usually Earth Maker or Earth Initiate whom they worship and give thanks to. They use these stories to teach their children and their children’s children to appreciate what they have. They want to believe that these precious resources, such as water, land, and food came from someone. Although they are not physically visible, they believe that the mighty creator is still watching over and protecting

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