Creation Vs Creation Myths

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Creations myths There is one question that almost every human being has asked throughout his or her lifetime ask. That question is who created everything? Each culture throughout time has usually produced some sort of creation myth. One popular creation myth that is still being followed today comes from the Book of Genius. Another popular creation myth that is not really being followed today but is still well known is Greek mythology. Both creation myths have similarities, difference, and explain several natural phenomena. Both myths have or had many people that followed, lived, and value these myths daily. Genius is still a poplar creation myth that is being followed and taught in the current culture of today. The Genius myth begins like this; in the beginning God a spirit who is neither male nor female created the universe. At this time Earth was a void and was formless, covered in total darkness. Earth was also covered in a raging ocean and …show more content…

Below Earth was the underworld or hell and was also known as the waters of chaos. This is where God put all his defeated monsters God slayed. The underworld also is where Lucifer an angel that tried to take over God was put. Above Earth was the heaven, this is where all God’s angel is. This myth also tells that when a person dies he or she will go to Heaven or hell depending on how he or she lived their lives. Another creation myth comes from the Greeks. The Greeks mythology had no real creator. The Greeks believed in the beginning there was only chaos and out of a void came Erebus. Erebus was the unknowable place where Death and Night dwells. After that Love was born and brought the light and day which then brought Gaea the Earth. Erebus and Night mated and Night gave birth to Ether. Ether is the heavenly light and to Day the Earthly light. Night by itself gave birth to Doom, Fate, Death, Sleep, Dreams, Nemesis and

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