What Are Your Core Values?

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Your health is greatly affected by your thoughts, emotions, and ideas. Your ideology is composed of: your core values, aspects of positive and negative thought, how you behave when you don’t have distractions, how you cope, what you 're grateful for and how you demonstrate kindness, and the things that add meaning to your life. It it all comes back to your core values however. Your core values, while developing over time, help show who you are as a person. Mine include: freedom, integrity, and enjoyment. I dislike being tied to things indefinitely and never making another choice. I believe strongly in integrity because I enjoy being as ethical as possible, also if the entire world operated without integrity, then it would be a much harder world to live in. One way to look for your values is to examine your thoughts. For this project we had to find three negative thoughts of ours and …show more content…

When you are grateful for things it makes you want to be a better person because you don’t want those things in your life to go away. If everyone took things for granted, we wouldn’t have those same things to enjoy. Acts of kindness I performed include: paying for someone’s lunch, taking notes for an out of town classmate, letting people borrow writing utensils, opening doors for people, I left my extra change in a vending machine, I gave a girl a compliment on her outfit, I let someone go in front of me in the line at a store, and I gave someone my last paper clip. I absolutely love doing random acts of kindness because I feel good doing things for others. People have a misconception that Atheists can’t be kind and moral people, and I like to prove them wrong. Some of the things I am grateful for and the things I value personally, are some of the things that give my life

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