What Is The Homeless Essay

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This essay will critically reflect my views and beliefs of the homeless population. This essay will consider underlying values, external influences, significant changes in beliefs; as well as other impacting factors. It is in my opinion that the homeless population are victims of a poverty due to inequitable social and economic structure. I believe the homeless are unfairly stereotyped to be drunks and lazy and that really they are individuals that have not received the help that they need. My beliefs have stemmed from my high regard for equality, compassion and empathy for others. These values have been imbedded in my moral compass from a very young age and remain a guiding factor in my everyday life. For as long as I can remember I have been taught to be fair and treat everyone equally and was often told to put myself in others shoes. I was taught these values from both home and school life, however the major influence of my values where my family as I followed their views and beliefs from a very young age. …show more content…

At a younger age, I feared the homeless, because I was told by family that they were bad people and that they were dangerous. As I got older the idea of social hierarchy was introduced and I believed that the homeless were lesser individuals and that ‘normal’ people were better than them. This created some confusion and discomfort as my ideals of equality were being questioned; however, I followed the with the ideas of my cohort. It was not until I reached high school that my views towards the homeless population became more

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